Check-in Prep
Preparation is key to ensuring your check-ins are effective and supportive. Here’s how you can prepare:
Understand the Finder's Background
Before the check-in, make sure you're aware of what life challenge the Finder is meeting you to discuss. You can see this by clicking on your upcoming check-in with the Finder under their name. We also highly recommend clicking the "more info" button under the Finder's name on the Check-in Details screen and reading through their application responses. This will help you tailor your approach and be more attuned to their specific needs and concerns. -
Know Their Expectations:
Finders may fill out a question when they book a check-in letting you know what they are expecting to get our of the conversation. Understanding what the other person is expecting from the conversation is crucial. Whether they're seeking emotional support, practical advice, or just someone to listen, having a clear sense of their expectations allows you to prepare accordingly. -
Prepare Key Points:
While the conversation should be organic, it’s helpful to have a few key points in mind that you’d like to discuss. This could include questions to ask, resources to share, or personal experiences that are relevant to their situation.
Check-in Introduction
Your introduction is the first step in building trust and connection with the person you're supporting. By sharing a bit about your own experiences, you create a space where they feel understood and supported. Here are a couple of examples to illustrate this:
Example 1:
"Hi [Finder's Name], how are you doing? I'm excited to chat with you today! First, I'd love to share a bit about me. I’m [Name], and I have experienced acute psychosis from lack of sleep with my second child." -
Example 2:
"Hi [Finder's Name], how are you today? I’m really looking forward to our chat! Before we dive in, I’d like to share a little about myself. I’m [Name], and I experienced infertility due to a prior cancer diagnosis and treatment. I eventually got pregnant via IUI." -
Example 3:
"Hi [Finder's Name], how are you doing today? I’m really looking forward to our chat. Before we begin, I want to share a bit about my journey—I’ve overcome alcohol addiction with the help of support groups and mindfulness techniques, and I’m here to support you through whatever challenges you’re facing." -
Example 4:
"Hi [Finder's Name], how’s everything going with you? I’m excited to connect with you today. To start, I’d like to share a little about my story—I’ve been through the process of overcoming drug addiction, using therapy and a strong support network, and I’m here to help you navigate your own path."
These examples show how sharing a specific and personal experience can help the other person relate to you and feel more comfortable opening up. When crafting your introduction, think about what experiences you’re willing to share that might resonate with the person you're meeting. You can base this off of your check-in preparation and what your Finder is looking to get out of the check-in.
If you have any questions or need more tips, we’re here to help. Thank you for all the incredible support you provide!